The MEDIACONEX Invoice Verification Service
Independent and Transparent

We provide a highly specialised accounts payable reconciliation process designed specifically for Media Advertisers.




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Media Invoice Conundrum: Why we must change

Advertisers spend millions on media every month, it's a big-ticket item. However, the problem facing advertisers is that the agency's media invoices are prone to error and can't easily be verified. Yet advertiser are still required to pay them despite not being able to confirm "Proof of Delivery" or "Correct Rate" the source of most of the errors. These inadvertent agency overcharges can punch a large hole in the advertiser's media and campaign budgets.

Invoice verification for advertisers is problematic. The sheer volume of invoice data required to be reviewed is huge; hundreds of pages, thousands of line-items amounting to millions of dollars each month. The only test most advertisers apply to the agency charges is whether it exceeds the budget or their expectations. This may be good budgetary control but it doesn't protect the advertiser's media budget.

Media Invoice Solution: What we must change

ENTER MediaConex. MediaConex is an outsourced Media Invoice Verification Service. Our purpose-built application is able to check every line of every agency invoice and determine if there is a matching supplier charge on the agency. All matched line-items are recommended for approval as the supplier charge has been correctly passed through to the client. All unsubstantiated agency charges are held in the system pending resolution.

Simply put, MediaConex is a Game Changer. It enables advertisers to take financial control of its media budget, adhere to its own internal AP invoice approval policy and bring a whole new level of transparency to Media Financial Management.

Good AP internal control starts with rigorous invoice approval practices.

This is the gap MediaConex fills.

Simple to Adopt, Simple to Use

The MediaRec Solution is delivered as a web-based "Software as a Service", pay per use model. This means:

  • No upfront capital expenditure
  • No technology footprint
  • Supports any invoice formats
  • Handles any volume of transactions

To learn more about the MediaRec Solution, please contact us.